Shoulder Joint Replacement

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Shoulder Joint Replacement

Total Shoulder Replacement, also known as Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (TSA), is a successful treatment option for relieving pain and stiffness that may be a result of arthritis or degenerative joint disease of the shoulder joint.

Primarily Shoulder replacement surgeries are performed to provide much-needed pain relief to the patients. The secondary advantage of the operation is restoring the function and strength of the shoulder joint. It also assists the patients in returning to their healthy life performing their daily activities.

Who needs Shoulder Replacement Surgery? People who have any or all of the following symptoms:

  •    Severe shoulder pain interferes with everyday activities.
  •    Moderate to severe pain while resting.
  •    Loss of motion in the shoulder or weak shoulder.
  •    Failure of other treatment options such as medications, injections, or physical therapy.

Shoulder Replacement Surgery:

The surfaces of the shoulder bones covered with cartilage, a substance that protects the bones and enables them to move smoothly. In Shoulder Arthritis, the cartilage is damaged resulting in gliding of bones against one another, which can be extremely painful. Replacing it with artificial joints would provide the much-needed relief. The procedure to replace your shoulder joint with a prosthetic component takes about 2 hours


Post Surgery, the patient would be given several doses of antibiotics to prevent any infections. The surgery would require a hospital stay of 2-3 days. Generally, medications are prescribed to provide short-term pain relief. The patient would need physical therapy soon after the surgery. Once the patient leaves the hospital, extra precautions should be taken to avoid any complications. It is advisable to avoid soaking the wound in water and continue to bandage the wound. It is essential to follow the exercise routine suggested by the physiotherapist to ensure a quicker recovery.

Also, patients are generally advised not to drive for 2 to 4 weeks post surgery.

Do’s & Don’ts Post Surgery:

  •    Don't use the arm to push yourself up in bed or from a chair, as it requires forceful contraction of muscles.
  •    Do follow the program of home exercises prescribed by your surgeon or physiotherapist. You may need to do them 2 to 3 times a day for a month or more.
  •    Don't lift anything more substantial than a glass of water at least for the first 2 to 4 weeks after surgery.
  •    Do ask for assistance or support if you need it.
  •    Don't participate in contact sports or any heavy lifting after shoulder replacement surgery.
  •    Do avoid placing your arm in an extreme position.

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